Club Community Service
- Roadside pickup: Twice a year along Route 53
- Bell Ringing for Salvation Army
- Small Charities: Support several charities, awards made in the Spring. Funds raised through annual Holiday Party auction
- Annual Fundraiser: Golf tournament with adults pairing with young adults to raise money for First Tee program and other charities
- Tri Club Community Service: McIntire Park Project (addition of benches along trail and beautification around shelter)

International Service
- Polio Plus – Global effort to Eradicate Polio
- Shelter Boxes – for disaster relief
- India Project – support team of doctors who travel to india to surgically treat children
- Virginia To Africa – project to support water and sanitation projects (Tri-club Project) in Africa led by Rotarians and University of Virginia Engineering.
Vocational Service
- RYLA – Rotary Youth Leadership Awards Camp
- New Generations Service
- Rotaract
Club Social Events
- Tri Club Picnic – The three local Rotary clubs have a joint picnic
- Charlottesville Opera Festival
- Holiday Party – Club party in early December to celebrate Christmas
- President’s Picnic (formerly: Changing of the Guard) – Welcome incoming President and new board members
- Sporting events like trip to Nationals game, UVA baseball or other UVA game
Attract new members who are interested in “Service above self”