The Albemarle County Rotary Club (ACRC) annual fundraiser to benefit youth development initiatives and educational scholarships in Albemarle County.

The Rotary Memorial Pickleball Classic is an annual fundraising event, hosted by the Albemarle County Rotary Club to benefit local nonprofit organizations focused on youth and education. Beginning in 2025, we are proud to host this event in honor of the late Dr. Frank E. Taylor, a decorated WWII veteran and charter member of the Albemarle County Rotary Club.  This annual event launched as a Pickleball Tournament first in 2024. 

DATE: May 24th, 2025 – Register now via this link

Location: Greencroft Club

Format: Round-Robin, Flighted Competition based on Pickleball Player Skill Rating — prizes awarded! One session at 9:00AM (check in for players at 8:30am)

Rain Date: If weather causes us to cancel (we will email all registered players in advance), the event will be postponed to Sat, May 31st at 2pm.

In addition to scholarships, proceeds raised in 2025 will benefit:

This event has historically been called Kids Swing, and it remains the premier fundraising effort by the Albemarle Co. Rotary Club to support local nonprofit organizations and youth development. The lead beneficiary in 2025 is the All Blessings Flow Pediatric Program, which provides healthcare resources to children with disabilities and special needs in the greater Charlottesville area.” Additional funds raised will be offered as Scholarships to area high schools and the Piedmont Virginia Community College (PVCC). 

Scholarships for Students

Each year, five scholarships are awarded to exemplary students in Albemarle County to continue their education. Selection of one student from each of the below participating schools, based on need, is made by the administration of that school:

  • Albemarle High School
  • Western Albemarle High School
  • Monticello High School
  • Piedmont Virginia Community College

Become a Sponsor of the Rotary Memorial Pickleball Classic

Click this link to learn more about sponsoring this event.

Join us for this unique opportunity to benefit kids in Albemarle County. Available levels of sponsorship are:

Signature Sponsor(s): Banner with name/logo (if desired) prominently displayed at event, Name/logo on event website and printed materials, opportunity for a display table with recognition at the event, opportunity to provide merch in welcome bags for players. ($2,500+)

Court Sponsors: Name/logo (if desired) will be prominently displayed on one of 8 Pickleball Courts and in printed materials, opportunity to provide merch in welcome bags for players. ($1,000)

Paddle Sponsors: Name/logo (if desired) on sponsorship banner at check in, opportunity to provide merch in welcome bags for players. ($500)

Pickle Sponsors: Name/logo (if desired) on sponsorship banner at check in. ($250)

Supporters: Kindly consider a contribution over $100 or more to this event that will directly benefit local youth ($100)

Donate to Rotary Memorial Pickleball Classic

Click the button below to make a tax-deductible contribution to the beneficiaries of this event.

You may also donate by sending a check to the Albemarle County Rotary Club Foundation.

ACRC Foundation
P O Box 6075
Charlottesville, VA 22906

Contact: if you have questions that are not answered on this page, please contact us at [email protected]. Players with specific questions may contact Jim Kucera, Director of Racquet Sports at the Greencroft Club at [email protected].